314 Acres

The Walking Purchase was a 1737 falsified agreement between some PA leaders including sons of William Penn and the Lenape Native Americans. It was a major land swindle costing Lenape 1.2 million acres and started the process of removing the Lenape/Delaware (and other tribes) from Pennsylvania. The Lenape appeal to the Iroquois nations was refused.
In 2004, some Lenape filed suit in Pennsylvania, claimed just 314 acres of their land from the Purchase, but the U.S. District Court granted the Commonwealth’s motion to dismiss. It ruled that the case was nonjusticiable, even if the Delaware Nation’s allegations of fraud were true. This ruling held through several appealed actions made through several levels of the United States courts of appeals. The Supreme Court of the United States refused to hear the case, which had the effect of upholding the lower appeals courts’ decision.
So We Have a Goal to Purchase 314 Acres (or more) for the Lenape Community
We wish to purchase 314 buildable/usable acres in eastern PA within their ancestral lands, suitable for community habitation, contravening earlier court decisions. A rural place relatively free of interfering municipal governments. Access to water, hunting, fishing and other opportunities. Preferably with natural beauty to encourage a connection to their past, not overbuilt. Perhaps some/all might be donated. It doesn’t have to be a single tract, but smaller pieces should be near each other.
Goal: Unknown, but likely $500,000+ over the life of the 30 year project